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Is the NC Democratic Party the Toyota of State Politics? #5 & #6: Economy and Corruption – Democrats Own Both

by johndavis, May 12, 2010

Part II: Liabilities 5 – 6 NC Republicans do not have to raise the political bar closer to that of Democrats to seize power in 2010 if Democrats lower their political bar closer to that of Republicans. This is Part II in a series of reports suggesting that the North Carolina Democratic Party is much

Archbishop Tutu on Growing Corn and Changing Government; Tea’d and looking for something to throw overboard

by johndavis, April 9, 2010

“Americans’ favorable rating of the Democratic Party dropped to 41% in the latest USA Today/Gallup poll, the lowest point in the 18 year history of this measure.”[i]    USA Today/Gallup poll, April 8, 2010 Archbishop Desmond Tutu, winner of Nobel Peace Prize for his work to end apartheid in South Africa, told the following story when he spoke

It is the Republicans to Lose, and they are Capable of Losing It: We have met the enemy, and he is us.

by johndavis, April 1, 2010

“In the time of Joseph McCarthyism, celebrated in the Pogo strip by a character named Simple J. Malarkey, I attempted to explain each individual is wholly involved in the democratic process, work at it or no.  The results of the process fall on the head of the public and he who is recalcitrant or procrastinates in

Never Waste a Crisis (Unless you are a Republican)

by johndavis, August 10, 2009

The 2009/2010 election cycle is heating up. Challengers throughout the state are beginning to move about, stewing over their potential for picking off an incumbent in next year’s congressional and legislative races. They sense that the national and state budget crises give them an opportunity to pounce on vulnerable prey. In the absence of sustained